Wednesday, April 22, 2009

WTF did this come from?

Phil Gartside, the Bolton Chairman, has put forward a plan for a two-tier EPL with Celtic and Rangers being invited to join the second tier. His primary motivation, of course, is to ensure a softer landing for clubs, like Bolton, who are prone to relegation to the dreaded Championship. 

Quite how this new league, EPL2, would be anything other than the Championship, re-branded, is another question entirely but, the invitation of Rangers and Celtic is obviously key to his proposal.

Let me say right off that, as a life long Celtic supporter, I am dead set against this proposal. I fully understand why Peter Lawwell would consider, is obliged to consider the proposal, but any financial or competitive arguments are very unlikely to sway me on this one. 

Here are the three main reasons I am against this plan:
  1. Celtic are a Scottish club (with an important Scottish and Irish heritage).
  2. As, such, we have a great opportunity each season to represent Scotland in Europe.
  3. Celtic are a Scottish club.
I'm sure there many other reasons. If this plan takes hold then I'll be able to expand on them in this blog. Once I think about it more. Hopefully you'll also contribute to the debate. Maybe you'll even change my opinion. You never know.

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